Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ice Cream Facts

Are you a lover of Ice Cream? Of course everybody loves to try a single lick at least. Here are some interesting Yummy Ice Cream Facts for you...

  1. It takes 12 lbs. of milk to make just one gallon of ice cream

  2. Flavored ices may have been eaten in Italy as early as the mid-1500’s

  3. A traditional name for ice cream is Hokey Pokey. The name originated from early ice cream vendors who peddled their product shouting “ecco un poco” – Try a sample

  4. the first real evidence of the existence of ice cream was in China’s Tang period (A.D 618-97). King Shang had 94 ice men on his staff who helped make a dish based on buffalo milk, flour and camphor

  5. The first ice cream parlor is said to have opened in New York City in 1776

  6. In 1843, American Nancy Johnson invented the hand cranked ice cream maker. Johnson’s invention made it possible for many more people to make and enjoy ice cream. Agnes Marshall of England created a similar device later that year

  7. In 1851, Jacob Fussell converted his Baltimore milk plant into the world’s first ice cream factory

  8. The biggest ice cream sundae in history was made in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in 1988, and weighed in at over 24 tons. You need many ice cream parlor to store that in

  9. In 2003, Portland, Oregon bought more ice cream per person than any other U.S. city. Looks like everyone else has a lot of catching up to do

  10. The U.S. produces more than 800 million gallons of ice cream every year.

  11. The U.S. enjoys an average of 48 pints of ice cream per person, per year, more than any other country. Maybe we should make ice cream the fifth food group

  12. In U.S, the average amount of ice cream eaten is an amazing 21 litres per person per year

  13. The ice cream cone became popular at the 1904 World’s Fair held in St. Louis. An ice cream vendor reportedly didn't have enough dishes to keep up with the demand, so he teamed up with a waffle vendor who rolled his waffles into cones!

  14. The most ice cream in the world is consumed in America where the average person eats about 15-20 quarts each year

  15. Some types of ice cream are more than 75% air

  16. Most ice cream contains more milk protein weight for weight than is present in milk itself

  17. The ice cream cone is considered one of the most environmentally friendly forms of packaging

  18. Vanilla is still the most popular ice cream flavour for nearly one out of every three people who eat ice cream

  19. Ice cream is second only to cookies as the favorite dessert in North America

  20. Some types of ice cream use "carrageenan' to improve texture and thickness. Carrageenan is a type of seaweed

  21. It takes approximately 50 licks to polish off a single-scoop ice cream cone, try counting your number of licks per scoop

  22. Sharing ice cream with a pet cat or dog is done by approx 5% of people

  23. The first record of a cone being used for serving appears in Mrs Marshall’s Cookery Book in 1888. Before then, ice cream was either licked out of a small glass known as a penny lick or taken away in wrapped in waxed paper

  24. Britain is Europe’s third biggest consumer of ice cream at around 8 litres per person Taking first and second places are Denmark and Sweden

  25. On average, people in Scotland and Northern Ireland eat more ice cream than those in England and Wales

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