When Tenali Raman heard of this, he smelt a rat. He went to the temple and sat near the holy man. The sadhu began reciting shlokas. To Raman’s surprise, he went on repeating the same shloka over and over again.
Tenali realised that he was a fraud. Suddenly, he leaned forward and plucked a strand of hair from the sadhu’s beard.
“I have the key to Heaven!” he shouted triumphantly. The villagers looked startled.
“This sadhu is so great that if I keep the hair from his beard with me, I will be blessed forever!” said Tenali .
Immediately there was a scramble as the villagers rushed to get hold of a hair from
the sadhu’s beard. The frightened sadhu ran for his life and was never heard of again.
Never try to cheat others as one day or other you will be cheated by someone who is smarter than you.
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