உலக பொருளாதார வீழ்ச்சியின் உச்ச கட்ட தாக்கத்தின் விளைவு இந்த மந்த நிலை என்று கூறினால், யாரால் இக்கூற்றை மறுக்க இயலும்?
சமீப காலமாக எங்கும் வாசிக்கப்படும் செய்தி இது, நாளிதழ்களுக்கு என்னவோ இது நல்ல விசயம் தான், பத்திகளை நிரப்ப! ஆனால் ஆட்குறைப்பால் நித்தம் நித்தம் வேலையிலக்கும் தொழிலாளர்களுக்கு மிகவும் வருத்தம் தரக்கூடிய விசயம்.
நான் வேலை செய்யும் அலுவலகத்தில் அதிகம் பாதிக்கப்பட்டோர் தற்காலிக வேலையில் இருந்தவர்கள். எவ்வளவு தீவிரமாக வேலை தேடினாலும் வேலை கிடைப்பது மிகவும் கடினமாக உள்ளது இல்லையெனில் ஏற்புடையதாக இல்லை. இது தான் அவர்களிடம் நான் தெரிந்து கொண்டது. பல முன்னனி நிறுவனங்கள் வேலைக்கு ஆள் எடுக்கும் சமாச்சாரத்திற்கு தற்காலிக விடுப்பு கொடித்திருப்பதாகவும் கேள்விப்பட்டேன்.
அரசாங்க வேலையிலும் ஆட்குறைப்பு, இது இன்னுமொரு செய்தி. ஒரிரு தினங்களுக்கு முன்பு நான் நாளிதழிதளில் வாசித்தறிந்த விசயம், சிங்கப்பூரில் அடுத்த வருட ஊழிய ஏற்ற விகிதம் இரண்டு சதவீத்த்தை ஒட்டியே இருக்கும் என்பது இன்னும் ஒரு வருத்தம் தரும் செய்தி. எங்கும், எதிலும் விலை ஏற்றம், பண வீக்க விகிதம் வரலாறு காணாத உயர்வு, ஆனால் சம்பளம் மட்டும் உயர்வதில்லை. அடுத்த காலாண்டில் இன்னும் என்ன நடக்குமோ, பொறுத்திருந்து தான் பார்க்க வேண்டும்.
தற்போதைய நிலவரப்படி இருக்கும் வேலையினை தக்க வைத்துக்கொள்வதற்கு என்ன செய்ய வேண்டுமென திட்டமிட்டு அதன் படி செயல்படுவது நலம் என்பது என் எண்ணம்.
Friday, October 31, 2008
A Story Of Human Body Anatomy
Interesting article and it is worth reading!
Picture Courtesy : http://lpig.doereport.com/imagescooked/642W.jpg
Time: When your body really starts going downhill
There's no denying the ticking of a woman's biological clock - but men are not immune, either. French doctors have found that the quality of sperm starts to deteriorate by 35, so that by the time a man is 45 a third of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Here, with the help of leading clinicians, Angela Epstein identifies the ages when different parts of the body start to lose their battle with time.
BRAIN - Starts ageing at 20
As we get older, the number of nerve cells - or neurons - in the brain decrease. We start with around 100 billion, but in our 20s this number starts to decline.
By 40, we could be losing up to 10,000 per day, affecting memory, co-ordination and brain function.
In fact, while the neurons are important, it's actually the deterioration of the gaps between the brain cells that has the biggest impact, says Dr Wojtek Rakowicz, a consultant neurologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London.
We all assume grey hair and wrinkles are the first signs of ageing, but some parts of your body are worn out long before you look old
These tiny gaps between the end of one brain nerve cell and another are called synapses. Their job is to ensure the flow of information from one cell to another, and as we age we make fewer.
GUT - Starts ageing at 55
A healthy gut has a good balance between harmful and 'friendly' bacteria.
But levels of friendly bacteria in the gut drop significantly after 55, particularly in the large intestine, says Tom MacDonald, professor of immunology at Barts And The London medical school.
As a result, we suffer from poor digestion and an increased risk of gut disease.
Constipation is more likely as we age, as the flow of digestive juices from the stomach, liver, pancreas and small intestine slows down.
BREASTS - Start ageing at 35
BY their mid-30s, women's breasts start losing tissue and fat, reducing size and fullness.
Sagging starts properly at 40 and the areola (the area surrounding the nipple) can shrink considerably.
Although breast cancer risk increases with age, it's not related to physical changes in the breast.
More likely, says Gareth Evans, breast cancer specialist at St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, our cells become damaged with age - as a result, the genes which control cell growth can mutate, causing cancer.
BLADDER - Starts ageing at 65
Loss of bladder control is more likely when you hit 65.
The bladder starts to contract suddenly, even when it's not full.
Women are more vulnerable to bladder problems as, after the menopause, declining oestrogen levels make tissues in the urethra - the tube through which urine passes - thinner and weaker, reducing bladder support.
Bladder capacity in an older adult generally is about half that of a younger person - about two cups in a 30-year-old and one cup in a 70-year-old.
This causes more frequent trips to the loo, particularly as poor muscle tone means the bladder may not fully empty. This in turn can lead to urinary tract infections.
LUNGS - Start ageing at 20
Lung capacity slowly starts to decrease from the age of 20.
By the age of 40, some people are already experiencing breathlessness. This is partly because the muscles and the rib cage which control breathing stiffen up.
It's then harder to work the lungs and also means some air remains in the lungs after breathing out - causing breathlessness.
Aged 30, the average man can inhale two pints of air in one breath. By 70, it's down to one.
VOICE - Starts ageing at 65
Our voices become quieter and hoarser with age. The soft tissues in the voice box (larynx) weaken, affecting the pitch, loudness and quality of the voice.
A woman's voice may become huskier and lower in pitch, whereas a man's might become thinner and higher.
EYES - Start ageing at 40
Glasses are the norm for many over-40s as failing eyesight kicks in - usually long-sightedness, affecting our ability to see objects up close.
As we age, the eye's ability to focus deteriorates because the eyes' muscles become weaker, says Andrew Lotery, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Southampton.
HEART - Starts ageing at 40
The heart pumps blood less effectively around the body as we get older.
This is because blood vessels become less elastic, while arteries can harden or become blocked because of fatty deposits forming on the coronary arteries - caused by eating too much saturated fat.
The blood supply to the heart is then reduced, resulting in painful
Men over 45 and women over 55 are at greater risk of a heart attack.
A recent study by Lloyds Pharmacy found the average person in the UK has a 'heart age' five years older than their chronological age, probably due to obesity and lack of exercise.
LIVER - Starts ageing at 70
This is the only organ in the body which seems to defy the ag ing process.
'Its cells have an extraordinary capacity to regenerate,' explain David Lloyd, a consultant liver surgeon at Leicester Royal Infir mary.
He says he can remove ha a liver during surgery and it will grow to the size of a complete liver within three months.
If a donor doesn't drink, use drug or suffer from infection, then it is possible to transplant a 70-year-old liver into a 20-year-old.
KIDNEYS - Starts ageing at 50
With kidneys, the number of filtering units (nephrons) that remove waste from the bloodstream starts to reduce in middle age.
One effect of this is their inability to turn off urine production at night, causing frequent trips to the bathroom.
The kidneys of a 75-year-old person will filter only half the amount of blood that a 30-year-old's will.
PROSTATE - Starts ageing at 50
The prostate often becomes enlarged with age, leading to problems such as increased need to urinate, says Professor Roger Kirby, director of the Prostate Centre in London.
This is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia and affects half of men over 50, but rarely those under 40.
It occurs when the prostate absorbs large amounts of the male sex hormone testosterone, which increases the growth of cells in the prostate.
A normal prostate is the size of a walnut, but the condition can increase this to the size of a tangerine.
BONES - Start ageing at 35
'Throughout our life, old bone is broken down by cells called osteoclasts and replaced by bone-building cells called osteoblasts - a process called bone turnover,' explains Robert Moots, professor of rheumatology at Aintree University Hospital in Liverpool.
Children's bone growth is rapid - the skeleton takes just two years to renew itself completely. In adults, this can take ten years.
Until our mid-20s, bone density is still increasing. But at 35 bone loss begins as part of the natural ageing process.
This becomes more rapid in post-menopausal women and can cause the bone-thinning condition osteoporosis.
The shrinking in size and density of bones can lead to loss of height. Bones in the back shrivel up or crumble between the vertebrae. We lose two inches in height by the time we're 80.
TEETH - Start ageing at 40
As we age, we produce less saliva, which washes away bacteria, so teeth and gums are more vulnerable to decay.
Receding gums - when tissue is lost from gums around the teeth - is common in adults over 40.
MUSCLES - Start ageing at 30
Muscle is constantly being built up and broken down, a process which is well balanced in young adults.
However, by the time we're 30, breakdown is greater than buildup, explains Professor Robert Moots.
Once adults reach 40, they start to lose between 0.5 and 2 per cent of their muscle each year. Regular exercise can help prevent this.
HEARING - Starts ageing mid-50s
More than half of people over 60 lose hearing because of their age, according to the Royal National Institute for the Deaf.
The condition, known as presbycusis, happens due to a loss of 'hair cells' - tiny sensory cells in the inner ear which pick up sound vibrations and send them to the brain.
SKIN - Starts ageing mid-20s
The skin starts to age naturally in your mid-20s.
According to Dr Andrew Wright, a consultant dermatologist with Bradford NHS Trust, as we get older production of collagen - the protein which acts as scaffolding to the skin - slows, and elastin, the substance that enables skin to snap back into place, has less spring and can even break.
Dead skin cells don't shed as quickly and turnover of new skin cells may decrease slightly.
This causes fine wrinkles and thin, transparent skin - even if the first signs may not appear until our mid-30s (unless accelerated by smoking or sun damage).
TASTE AND SMELL - Start ageing at 60
We start out in life with about 10,000 taste buds scattered on the tongue. This number can halve later in life.
After we turn 60, taste and smell gradually decline, partly as a result of the normal ageing process.
This can be accelerated by problems such as polyps in the nasal or sinus cavities. It can also be the cumulative effect of years of smoking.
FERTILITY - Starts ageing at 35
Female fertility begins to decline after 35, as the number and quality of eggs in the ovaries start to fall.
The lining of the womb may become thinner, making it less likely for a fertilised egg to take, and also creating an environment hostile to sperm.
Male fertility also starts to drop around this age. Men who wait until their 40s before starting a family have a greater chance of their partner having a miscarriage, because of the poorer quality of their sperm.
HAIR - Starts ageing at 30
Male hair loss usually begins in the 30s. Hair is made in tiny pouches just under the skin's surface, known as follices.
A hair normally grows from each follicle for about three years, is then shed, and a new hair grows.
However, with male-pattern baldness, changes in levels of testosterone from their early-30s affect this cycle, causing the hair follicles to shrink.
Each new hair is thinner than the previous one. Eventually, all that remains is a much smaller hair follicle and a thin stump of hair that does not grow out to the skin surface.
Most people will have some grey hair by the age of 35. When we are young, our hair is coloured by the pigments produced by cells in the hair follicle known as melanocytes.
As we grow older, melanocytes become less active, so less pigment is produced, the colour fades, and grey hairs grow instead.
Picture Courtesy : http://lpig.doereport.com/imagescooked/642W.jpg
Time: When your body really starts going downhill
There's no denying the ticking of a woman's biological clock - but men are not immune, either. French doctors have found that the quality of sperm starts to deteriorate by 35, so that by the time a man is 45 a third of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Here, with the help of leading clinicians, Angela Epstein identifies the ages when different parts of the body start to lose their battle with time.
BRAIN - Starts ageing at 20
As we get older, the number of nerve cells - or neurons - in the brain decrease. We start with around 100 billion, but in our 20s this number starts to decline.
By 40, we could be losing up to 10,000 per day, affecting memory, co-ordination and brain function.
In fact, while the neurons are important, it's actually the deterioration of the gaps between the brain cells that has the biggest impact, says Dr Wojtek Rakowicz, a consultant neurologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London.
We all assume grey hair and wrinkles are the first signs of ageing, but some parts of your body are worn out long before you look old
These tiny gaps between the end of one brain nerve cell and another are called synapses. Their job is to ensure the flow of information from one cell to another, and as we age we make fewer.
GUT - Starts ageing at 55
A healthy gut has a good balance between harmful and 'friendly' bacteria.
But levels of friendly bacteria in the gut drop significantly after 55, particularly in the large intestine, says Tom MacDonald, professor of immunology at Barts And The London medical school.
As a result, we suffer from poor digestion and an increased risk of gut disease.
Constipation is more likely as we age, as the flow of digestive juices from the stomach, liver, pancreas and small intestine slows down.
BREASTS - Start ageing at 35
BY their mid-30s, women's breasts start losing tissue and fat, reducing size and fullness.
Sagging starts properly at 40 and the areola (the area surrounding the nipple) can shrink considerably.
Although breast cancer risk increases with age, it's not related to physical changes in the breast.
More likely, says Gareth Evans, breast cancer specialist at St Mary's Hospital, Manchester, our cells become damaged with age - as a result, the genes which control cell growth can mutate, causing cancer.
BLADDER - Starts ageing at 65
Loss of bladder control is more likely when you hit 65.
The bladder starts to contract suddenly, even when it's not full.
Women are more vulnerable to bladder problems as, after the menopause, declining oestrogen levels make tissues in the urethra - the tube through which urine passes - thinner and weaker, reducing bladder support.
Bladder capacity in an older adult generally is about half that of a younger person - about two cups in a 30-year-old and one cup in a 70-year-old.
This causes more frequent trips to the loo, particularly as poor muscle tone means the bladder may not fully empty. This in turn can lead to urinary tract infections.
LUNGS - Start ageing at 20
Lung capacity slowly starts to decrease from the age of 20.
By the age of 40, some people are already experiencing breathlessness. This is partly because the muscles and the rib cage which control breathing stiffen up.
It's then harder to work the lungs and also means some air remains in the lungs after breathing out - causing breathlessness.
Aged 30, the average man can inhale two pints of air in one breath. By 70, it's down to one.
VOICE - Starts ageing at 65
Our voices become quieter and hoarser with age. The soft tissues in the voice box (larynx) weaken, affecting the pitch, loudness and quality of the voice.
A woman's voice may become huskier and lower in pitch, whereas a man's might become thinner and higher.
EYES - Start ageing at 40
Glasses are the norm for many over-40s as failing eyesight kicks in - usually long-sightedness, affecting our ability to see objects up close.
As we age, the eye's ability to focus deteriorates because the eyes' muscles become weaker, says Andrew Lotery, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Southampton.
HEART - Starts ageing at 40
The heart pumps blood less effectively around the body as we get older.
This is because blood vessels become less elastic, while arteries can harden or become blocked because of fatty deposits forming on the coronary arteries - caused by eating too much saturated fat.
The blood supply to the heart is then reduced, resulting in painful
Men over 45 and women over 55 are at greater risk of a heart attack.
A recent study by Lloyds Pharmacy found the average person in the UK has a 'heart age' five years older than their chronological age, probably due to obesity and lack of exercise.
LIVER - Starts ageing at 70
This is the only organ in the body which seems to defy the ag ing process.
'Its cells have an extraordinary capacity to regenerate,' explain David Lloyd, a consultant liver surgeon at Leicester Royal Infir mary.
He says he can remove ha a liver during surgery and it will grow to the size of a complete liver within three months.
If a donor doesn't drink, use drug or suffer from infection, then it is possible to transplant a 70-year-old liver into a 20-year-old.
KIDNEYS - Starts ageing at 50
With kidneys, the number of filtering units (nephrons) that remove waste from the bloodstream starts to reduce in middle age.
One effect of this is their inability to turn off urine production at night, causing frequent trips to the bathroom.
The kidneys of a 75-year-old person will filter only half the amount of blood that a 30-year-old's will.
PROSTATE - Starts ageing at 50
The prostate often becomes enlarged with age, leading to problems such as increased need to urinate, says Professor Roger Kirby, director of the Prostate Centre in London.
This is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia and affects half of men over 50, but rarely those under 40.
It occurs when the prostate absorbs large amounts of the male sex hormone testosterone, which increases the growth of cells in the prostate.
A normal prostate is the size of a walnut, but the condition can increase this to the size of a tangerine.
BONES - Start ageing at 35
'Throughout our life, old bone is broken down by cells called osteoclasts and replaced by bone-building cells called osteoblasts - a process called bone turnover,' explains Robert Moots, professor of rheumatology at Aintree University Hospital in Liverpool.
Children's bone growth is rapid - the skeleton takes just two years to renew itself completely. In adults, this can take ten years.
Until our mid-20s, bone density is still increasing. But at 35 bone loss begins as part of the natural ageing process.
This becomes more rapid in post-menopausal women and can cause the bone-thinning condition osteoporosis.
The shrinking in size and density of bones can lead to loss of height. Bones in the back shrivel up or crumble between the vertebrae. We lose two inches in height by the time we're 80.
TEETH - Start ageing at 40
As we age, we produce less saliva, which washes away bacteria, so teeth and gums are more vulnerable to decay.
Receding gums - when tissue is lost from gums around the teeth - is common in adults over 40.
MUSCLES - Start ageing at 30
Muscle is constantly being built up and broken down, a process which is well balanced in young adults.
However, by the time we're 30, breakdown is greater than buildup, explains Professor Robert Moots.
Once adults reach 40, they start to lose between 0.5 and 2 per cent of their muscle each year. Regular exercise can help prevent this.
HEARING - Starts ageing mid-50s
More than half of people over 60 lose hearing because of their age, according to the Royal National Institute for the Deaf.
The condition, known as presbycusis, happens due to a loss of 'hair cells' - tiny sensory cells in the inner ear which pick up sound vibrations and send them to the brain.
SKIN - Starts ageing mid-20s
The skin starts to age naturally in your mid-20s.
According to Dr Andrew Wright, a consultant dermatologist with Bradford NHS Trust, as we get older production of collagen - the protein which acts as scaffolding to the skin - slows, and elastin, the substance that enables skin to snap back into place, has less spring and can even break.
Dead skin cells don't shed as quickly and turnover of new skin cells may decrease slightly.
This causes fine wrinkles and thin, transparent skin - even if the first signs may not appear until our mid-30s (unless accelerated by smoking or sun damage).
TASTE AND SMELL - Start ageing at 60
We start out in life with about 10,000 taste buds scattered on the tongue. This number can halve later in life.
After we turn 60, taste and smell gradually decline, partly as a result of the normal ageing process.
This can be accelerated by problems such as polyps in the nasal or sinus cavities. It can also be the cumulative effect of years of smoking.
FERTILITY - Starts ageing at 35
Female fertility begins to decline after 35, as the number and quality of eggs in the ovaries start to fall.
The lining of the womb may become thinner, making it less likely for a fertilised egg to take, and also creating an environment hostile to sperm.
Male fertility also starts to drop around this age. Men who wait until their 40s before starting a family have a greater chance of their partner having a miscarriage, because of the poorer quality of their sperm.
HAIR - Starts ageing at 30
Male hair loss usually begins in the 30s. Hair is made in tiny pouches just under the skin's surface, known as follices.
A hair normally grows from each follicle for about three years, is then shed, and a new hair grows.
However, with male-pattern baldness, changes in levels of testosterone from their early-30s affect this cycle, causing the hair follicles to shrink.
Each new hair is thinner than the previous one. Eventually, all that remains is a much smaller hair follicle and a thin stump of hair that does not grow out to the skin surface.
Most people will have some grey hair by the age of 35. When we are young, our hair is coloured by the pigments produced by cells in the hair follicle known as melanocytes.
As we grow older, melanocytes become less active, so less pigment is produced, the colour fades, and grey hairs grow instead.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question. She said, 'How do I know if I married the right person?'
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, 'It depends. Is that your husband?'
In all seriousness, she answered 'How do you know?'
Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.
Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything.! That's why it's called 'falling' in love... Because it's happening TO YOU.
People in Love sometimes say, 'I was swept of my feet.' Think about the imagery of that expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.
Falling in Love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you! nuts.
The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.
At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, 'Did I marry the right person?' And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.
Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work,a hobby, a friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances. But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could.
And TEMPORARILY you'd fe! el better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this):
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't 'find' LASTING love. You have to 'make' it day in and day out. That's why we have the expression 'the labor of love.' Because it takes time, effort, and energy . And most importantly, it takes WISDOM . You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws! of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships.
Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable... You can 'make' love.
Love in marriage is indeed a 'decision'... Not just a feeling.
Remember this always
'GOD determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who! You let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.'
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, 'It depends. Is that your husband?'
In all seriousness, she answered 'How do you know?'
Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.
Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything.! That's why it's called 'falling' in love... Because it's happening TO YOU.
People in Love sometimes say, 'I was swept of my feet.' Think about the imagery of that expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.
Falling in Love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you! nuts.
The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.
At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, 'Did I marry the right person?' And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.
Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work,a hobby, a friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances. But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could.
And TEMPORARILY you'd fe! el better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this):
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't 'find' LASTING love. You have to 'make' it day in and day out. That's why we have the expression 'the labor of love.' Because it takes time, effort, and energy . And most importantly, it takes WISDOM . You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws! of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships.
Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable... You can 'make' love.
Love in marriage is indeed a 'decision'... Not just a feeling.
Remember this always
'GOD determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who! You let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.'
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thoughful Quotes
Respect cannot be demanded, it must be earned. Respect is earned only by giving it away.
A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
Never walk on the traveled path, because it only leads you where the others have been - Graham Bell
Always, there is a drop of madness in love, yet always, there is a drop of reason in madness - F Nietzshe
Time is very slow for those who wait,
very fast for those who are scared,
very long for those who lament,
very short for those who celebrate.
But, for those who love, time is eternity.
-William Shakespeare
Many people lose the small joys, in hope for the big happiness - Pearl'S Buck
A good plan for today is better than a perfect plan for tomorrow - George S Patton
Why repeat the old errors, if there are so many new errors to commit - Bertrand Russel
If a drop of water falls in a lake, there is no identity. But if it falls on a leaf of lotus, it shines like a pearl. We need to choose the best place where we can shine.
When we reach for the stars, we may not quite get them, but we won't come up with a handful of mud either - Leo Burnett
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is do the right thing. The worst thing you can do is do nothing - Theodore Roosevelt
Love me when I less deserve it, because it’s then when I need it most - Chinese Proverb
If I could return to youth, I would commit all those errors again, but a bit earlier - Tallulah Bankhead
Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it - William Durant
Nothing can be taught to a man; but it’s possible to help him to find the answer within himSelf - Galileo Galilei
A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
Never walk on the traveled path, because it only leads you where the others have been - Graham Bell
Always, there is a drop of madness in love, yet always, there is a drop of reason in madness - F Nietzshe
Time is very slow for those who wait,
very fast for those who are scared,
very long for those who lament,
very short for those who celebrate.
But, for those who love, time is eternity.
-William Shakespeare
Many people lose the small joys, in hope for the big happiness - Pearl'S Buck
A good plan for today is better than a perfect plan for tomorrow - George S Patton
Why repeat the old errors, if there are so many new errors to commit - Bertrand Russel
If a drop of water falls in a lake, there is no identity. But if it falls on a leaf of lotus, it shines like a pearl. We need to choose the best place where we can shine.
When we reach for the stars, we may not quite get them, but we won't come up with a handful of mud either - Leo Burnett
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is do the right thing. The worst thing you can do is do nothing - Theodore Roosevelt
Love me when I less deserve it, because it’s then when I need it most - Chinese Proverb
If I could return to youth, I would commit all those errors again, but a bit earlier - Tallulah Bankhead
Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it - William Durant
Nothing can be taught to a man; but it’s possible to help him to find the answer within himSelf - Galileo Galilei
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Self Detoxification
The chopping releases the enzyme allinase in the garlic. Gather the chopped garlic on a spoon and swallow it with water.
The garlic will travel your entire digestive tract while you sleep and scavenge and neutralize all the toxins, carcinogens, harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, foreign chemical before they can harm your healthy cells.
Swallowing the chopped garlic will not give you garlic breath, as long as you don't chew it. You brush your teeth and rinse your mouth before you go to bed anyway.
In the morning, drink a big glass of water. Your first bowel movement will have a strong garlic odor and you will know that the harmful stuff have been eliminated from your body. Try it, especially if you have had a bad eating day.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Saying the Right Thing Even While Drunk – 'PRICELESS'
A husband wakes up at home with a huge hangover. He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins and a glass of water on the side table. He sits down and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and
pressed. He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotless, clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins and notices a note on the table. 'Honey, breakfast is on the table, I left early to go grocery shopping.
Love You!'
Totally shocked with the note, he goes to the kitchen and sure enough there is a hot breakfast and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. He asks, 'Son, what happened last night?' His son says, 'Well, you came home around 3 AM, drunk and delirious. Broke some crockery, puked in the hall, and gave yourself a black eye when you stumbled into the door'. Confused, the man asks, 'So, why is everything in order and so clean, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me?
I should expect a big quarrel with her!' His son replies, 'Oh, that! Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your clothes n shoes off,
you said,
Self-induced hangover - $ 400.00
Broken crockery - $ 800.00
Breakfast - $ 10.00
Saying the Right Thing While Drunk – 'PRICELESS'
There are truly some things that both money and Master card can't buy
pressed. He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotless, clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins and notices a note on the table. 'Honey, breakfast is on the table, I left early to go grocery shopping.
Love You!'
Totally shocked with the note, he goes to the kitchen and sure enough there is a hot breakfast and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. He asks, 'Son, what happened last night?' His son says, 'Well, you came home around 3 AM, drunk and delirious. Broke some crockery, puked in the hall, and gave yourself a black eye when you stumbled into the door'. Confused, the man asks, 'So, why is everything in order and so clean, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me?
I should expect a big quarrel with her!' His son replies, 'Oh, that! Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your clothes n shoes off,
you said,
Self-induced hangover - $ 400.00
Broken crockery - $ 800.00
Breakfast - $ 10.00
Saying the Right Thing While Drunk – 'PRICELESS'
There are truly some things that both money and Master card can't buy
80/20 Rule
Interesting quote from the movie 'Why did I get married?'
In most cases, especially in relationships, you will only get 80% of what you NEED and you will hardly get the other 20% that you WANT in your relationship. There is always another person (man or women) that you will meet and that will offer you the other 20% which is lacking in your relationship that you WANT And believe me, 20% looks really good when you are not getting it at all in your current relationship.
But the problem is that you will always be tempted to leave that good 80% that you know you have, thinking that you will get something better with the other 20% that you WANT
But as reality has proven, in most cases, you will always end up with having the 20% that you WANT and loosing the 80% that you really NEED and that you already had.
Be careful in deciding between what you WANT and NEED in your life.
Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have. 'Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker. But it's not her Wynona Rider features that got me. I'm crazy about her because she's also understanding, intelligent, tender - so many things that my spouse is not'
Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or a man who will be more charming or sensitive. More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have greater appeal. And you will find a woman or man who will need you and pursue you and go loco over you more than your spouse ever did.
Because no wife or husband is perfect. Because a spouse will only have 80% of what you're looking for. So adultery takes place when a husband or wife looks for the missing 20%. Let's say your wife is melancholic by nature.
You may find yourself drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laugh no matter what she says: 'I broke my arm yesterday, Hahahaha . . ..'
Or because your wife is a homebody in slippers and pajamas, smelling of garlic and fish oil, you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales representative that visits your office in a sharp black blazer, high heels, and a red pencil-cut skirt Or because your husband is the quiet
type, your heart may skip a beat when you meet an old college flame who has the makings of a talk show host.
But wait! That's only 20% of what you don't have.
Don't throw away the 80% that you already have!
That's not all. Add to your spouse's 80% the 100% that represents all the years that you have been with each other. The storms you have weathered together. The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple. The many adjustments you have made to love the other. The wealth of memories that you've accumulated as lovers.
Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have.
But faithfulness happens when you start thanking God for what you already have.
But I'm not just talking about marriage.
I'm talking about life!
About your jobs.
About your friends.
About your children.
About your lifestyles.
Are you like the economy airline passenger that perennially peeks through the door of the first class cabin, obsessed with what he's missing? 'They have got more leg room! Oh my, their food is served in porcelain! Wow, their seats recline at an 80% angle and they've got personal videos!'
I guarantee you'll be miserable for the entire trip! Don't live your life like that. Forget about what the world says is first class. Do you know that there are many first class passengers who are miserable in first class -- because they are not riding in a private Lear Jet?
The main message???
If you start appreciating what you have right now, wherever you are, you are first class!
In most cases, especially in relationships, you will only get 80% of what you NEED and you will hardly get the other 20% that you WANT in your relationship. There is always another person (man or women) that you will meet and that will offer you the other 20% which is lacking in your relationship that you WANT And believe me, 20% looks really good when you are not getting it at all in your current relationship.
But the problem is that you will always be tempted to leave that good 80% that you know you have, thinking that you will get something better with the other 20% that you WANT
But as reality has proven, in most cases, you will always end up with having the 20% that you WANT and loosing the 80% that you really NEED and that you already had.
Be careful in deciding between what you WANT and NEED in your life.
Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have. 'Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker. But it's not her Wynona Rider features that got me. I'm crazy about her because she's also understanding, intelligent, tender - so many things that my spouse is not'
Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or a man who will be more charming or sensitive. More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have greater appeal. And you will find a woman or man who will need you and pursue you and go loco over you more than your spouse ever did.
Because no wife or husband is perfect. Because a spouse will only have 80% of what you're looking for. So adultery takes place when a husband or wife looks for the missing 20%. Let's say your wife is melancholic by nature.
You may find yourself drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laugh no matter what she says: 'I broke my arm yesterday, Hahahaha . . ..'
Or because your wife is a homebody in slippers and pajamas, smelling of garlic and fish oil, you may fall for a fresh-smelling young sales representative that visits your office in a sharp black blazer, high heels, and a red pencil-cut skirt Or because your husband is the quiet
type, your heart may skip a beat when you meet an old college flame who has the makings of a talk show host.
But wait! That's only 20% of what you don't have.
Don't throw away the 80% that you already have!
That's not all. Add to your spouse's 80% the 100% that represents all the years that you have been with each other. The storms you have weathered together. The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple. The many adjustments you have made to love the other. The wealth of memories that you've accumulated as lovers.
Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have.
But faithfulness happens when you start thanking God for what you already have.
But I'm not just talking about marriage.
I'm talking about life!
About your jobs.
About your friends.
About your children.
About your lifestyles.
Are you like the economy airline passenger that perennially peeks through the door of the first class cabin, obsessed with what he's missing? 'They have got more leg room! Oh my, their food is served in porcelain! Wow, their seats recline at an 80% angle and they've got personal videos!'
I guarantee you'll be miserable for the entire trip! Don't live your life like that. Forget about what the world says is first class. Do you know that there are many first class passengers who are miserable in first class -- because they are not riding in a private Lear Jet?
The main message???
If you start appreciating what you have right now, wherever you are, you are first class!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
சென்னை மாநகர போக்குவரத்து காவல்துறைக்கு சல்யூட்
ஹாலிவுட் சினிமாக்களில் மட்டுமே அந்த காட்சியை நம்மால் பார்த்திருக்க முடியும். பத்தே நிமிடங்களில் சுமார் 20 கிலோ மீட்டர் தூரத்தை சென்னையில் பரபரப்பான பகல்வேளையில் கடப்பது சாத்தியமா? ஆம்புலன்சுக்கு கூட வழிவிட மனமில்லாத சென்னை வாகன ஓட்டிகளின் சவாலை ஒரு காவல்துறையின் ஊர்தி கடந்து சாதித்திருக்கிறது. சுமார் 120 கிலோ மீட்டர் வேகத்தில் அந்த கார் சாலைகளில் கடந்ததை பார்த்தவர்கள் மின்னலை கண்டதாக சொல்கிறார்கள். சபாஷ் சென்னை மாநகர போக்குவரத்து காவல்துறை. ஷூமேக்கர் வேகத்தில் ஒரு போலிஸ்காரர் காரை ஓட்டிச்செல்ல காரணம் என்னவாக இருக்கும்?
ஒரு உயிரைக் காக்க...
ஹிதேந்திரன் பதினொன்றாம் வகுப்பு படிக்கும் மாணவன். அப்பா அசோகனும், அம்மா புஷ்பாஞ்சலியும் மருத்துவர்கள். மகாபலிபுரத்துக்கு அருகில் இருக்கும் திருக்கழுக்குன்றத்தில் சொந்தமாக மருத்துவமனை நடத்தி வருகிறார்கள். கடந்த சனிக்கிழமை அப்பாவின் பைக்கை எடுத்துக்கொண்டு நண்பனை சந்தித்து திரும்பியவனுக்கு எமன் ஒரு மீன்பாடி வண்டி ரூபத்தில் வந்தது. எதிர்பாராமல் நடந்த அந்த விபத்தில் தலையில் ஹிதேந்திரனுக்கு அடிபட்டது. செங்கல்பட்டு அரசு மருத்துவமனையில் முதலுதவிக்காக சேர்க்கப்பட்டவன் நினைவிழந்த நிலையில் மேல்சிகிச்சைக்காக சென்னை அப்பல்லோவுக்கு கொண்டு செல்லப்பட்டான்.
பரிசோதித்த மருத்துவர்கள் கை விரித்தார்கள். ஹிதேந்திரனின் மூளை செயல் இழந்து விட்டது (பிரைன் டெத்). கிட்டத்தட்ட மரணம். இதயம் மட்டுமே துடிக்கும். பெற்றோரும் மருத்துவர்கள் ஆயிற்றே? பிரச்சினையை புரிந்துகொண்டார்கள். தன் மகனின் உடல் உறுப்புகளை தானமாக தர விரும்பினார்கள். கண்கள், இதயம், சிறுநீரகம், கல்லீரல், நுரையீரல் ஆகிய உறுப்புகள் அகற்றப்பட்டன. புரட்சித்தலைவி ஜெ. ஜெயலலிதா நகரில் இருக்கும் செரியன் மருத்துவமனையில் சிகிச்சை பெற்றுக் கொண்டிருந்த சிறுவன் ஒருவனுக்கு இதயம் அவசரமாக தேவைப்பட்டது. ஹிதேந்திரனின் இதயம் அகற்றப்பட்டு 20 நிமிடங்களில் அந்த சிறுவனுக்கு பொருத்தப்பட வேண்டும். போக்குவரத்து நெரிசல் மிக்க சென்னையின் 20 கிலோ மீட்டர் தூரத்தை 20 நிமிடங்களில் அடைவது சாத்தியமா?
மருத்துவமனையின் நிர்வாகம் சார்பில் சென்னை மாநகர போக்குவரத்து காவல்துறையை அணுகினார்கள். பிரச்சினையின் தீவிரத்தை புரிந்துகொண்ட கூடுதல் ஆணையாளர் சுனில் உடனடியாக ஒரு உதவி ஆணையாளரை அனுப்பி வைத்து உதவுமாறு உத்தரவிட்டார். உதவி கமிஷனர் மனோகரன் இந்த ஆபரேஷனுக்கு திட்டமிட்டார். தன் சக அதிகாரிகளோடு தொடர்புகொண்டவர் குறிப்பிட்ட அந்த நேரத்துக்கு போக்குவரத்து சிக்கல் இல்லாதவாறு திட்டம் தீட்டினார். சிக்னல்கள் முழுக்க போலிசாரின் கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்கு சில நிமிடங்களில் வந்தது. ஒரு ஆம்புலன்ஸில் இதயத்தை எடுத்துச் செல்லவும், அந்த ஆம்புலன்ஸுக்கு வழிவிட ஆக்சண்ட் காரில் ஏ.சி. மனோகரனே முன்செல்லவும் திட்டம் தீட்டப்பட்டது.
ஹிதேந்திரனின் இதயத்தை ஒரு பெட்டியில் வைத்து படபடப்போடு மருத்துவர்கள் ஓடிவந்தார்கள். படபடப்பில் இருந்ததால் ஆம்புலன்ஸில் ஏறுவதற்கு பதிலாக ஏ.சி.யின் காரில் ஏறிவிட்டார்கள். ஒரு நொடியை கூட வீணடிக்க விரும்பாத ஏ.சி. தனது டிரைவரான கான்ஸ்டபிள் மோகனை புயல்வேகத்தில் ஓட்ட சொன்னார். ஏ.சி.யின் கார் இலகுவாக செல்ல வழியெங்கும் போக்குவரத்து சீர் செய்யப்பட்டிருந்தது. போனில் போலிஸ்காரர்களிடம் பேசியபடியே வழியில் இருந்த தடங்கல்களையெல்லாம் அகற்றினார் ஏ.சி.
மேட்லி ரோடு, தி.நகர் புதிய மேம்பாலம், லயோலா, சூளைமேடு, அமைந்தகரை, அண்ணா வளைவு வழியாக சுமார் 120 கிலோ மீட்டர் வேகத்தில் மோகன் காரை விரட்டினார். திருப்பங்களில் கூட பிரேக்கில் மோகன் காலை வைக்கவில்லை. ஆக்ஸிலேட்டரில் வைத்த காலை எடுக்கவேயில்லை. பொதுவாக போக்குவரத்தில் இந்த தூரத்தை கடக்க சுமார் 50 நிமிடங்களில் இருந்து ஒன்றரை மணி நேரம் வரை பிடிக்கும். மருத்துவர்கள் கொடுத்திருந்த டார்கெட் 20 நிமிடம். பத்தே நிமிடங்களில் செரியன் மருத்துவமனையை ஏ.சி.யின் கார் அடைந்திருந்தது. ஆறு மணி நேரம் நடந்த இருதய மாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை சக்சஸ்!
இனி ஹிதேந்திரனின் இதயம் வாழும்!!
மருத்துவத்துறை காவல்துறையோடு இணைந்து இந்த சாதனையை செய்திருக்கிறது. சென்னையில் மருத்துவத்துறை சாதனைகள் புரிவது ஒன்றும் அதிசயமல்ல என்றாலும், காவல்துறையின் இந்த அதிரடி சாதனை சென்னை மக்கள் மத்தியில் பரபரப்பாக பேசப்படுகிறது. வாய்ப்புகள் கிடைத்தால் எங்களாலும் சாதிக்க முடியும் என்று சாதித்துக் காட்டிய சென்னை மாநகர போக்குவரத்து காவல்துறைக்கு சல்யூட்.
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பரிசோதித்த மருத்துவர்கள் கை விரித்தார்கள். ஹிதேந்திரனின் மூளை செயல் இழந்து விட்டது (பிரைன் டெத்). கிட்டத்தட்ட மரணம். இதயம் மட்டுமே துடிக்கும். பெற்றோரும் மருத்துவர்கள் ஆயிற்றே? பிரச்சினையை புரிந்துகொண்டார்கள். தன் மகனின் உடல் உறுப்புகளை தானமாக தர விரும்பினார்கள். கண்கள், இதயம், சிறுநீரகம், கல்லீரல், நுரையீரல் ஆகிய உறுப்புகள் அகற்றப்பட்டன. புரட்சித்தலைவி ஜெ. ஜெயலலிதா நகரில் இருக்கும் செரியன் மருத்துவமனையில் சிகிச்சை பெற்றுக் கொண்டிருந்த சிறுவன் ஒருவனுக்கு இதயம் அவசரமாக தேவைப்பட்டது. ஹிதேந்திரனின் இதயம் அகற்றப்பட்டு 20 நிமிடங்களில் அந்த சிறுவனுக்கு பொருத்தப்பட வேண்டும். போக்குவரத்து நெரிசல் மிக்க சென்னையின் 20 கிலோ மீட்டர் தூரத்தை 20 நிமிடங்களில் அடைவது சாத்தியமா?
மருத்துவமனையின் நிர்வாகம் சார்பில் சென்னை மாநகர போக்குவரத்து காவல்துறையை அணுகினார்கள். பிரச்சினையின் தீவிரத்தை புரிந்துகொண்ட கூடுதல் ஆணையாளர் சுனில் உடனடியாக ஒரு உதவி ஆணையாளரை அனுப்பி வைத்து உதவுமாறு உத்தரவிட்டார். உதவி கமிஷனர் மனோகரன் இந்த ஆபரேஷனுக்கு திட்டமிட்டார். தன் சக அதிகாரிகளோடு தொடர்புகொண்டவர் குறிப்பிட்ட அந்த நேரத்துக்கு போக்குவரத்து சிக்கல் இல்லாதவாறு திட்டம் தீட்டினார். சிக்னல்கள் முழுக்க போலிசாரின் கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்கு சில நிமிடங்களில் வந்தது. ஒரு ஆம்புலன்ஸில் இதயத்தை எடுத்துச் செல்லவும், அந்த ஆம்புலன்ஸுக்கு வழிவிட ஆக்சண்ட் காரில் ஏ.சி. மனோகரனே முன்செல்லவும் திட்டம் தீட்டப்பட்டது.
ஹிதேந்திரனின் இதயத்தை ஒரு பெட்டியில் வைத்து படபடப்போடு மருத்துவர்கள் ஓடிவந்தார்கள். படபடப்பில் இருந்ததால் ஆம்புலன்ஸில் ஏறுவதற்கு பதிலாக ஏ.சி.யின் காரில் ஏறிவிட்டார்கள். ஒரு நொடியை கூட வீணடிக்க விரும்பாத ஏ.சி. தனது டிரைவரான கான்ஸ்டபிள் மோகனை புயல்வேகத்தில் ஓட்ட சொன்னார். ஏ.சி.யின் கார் இலகுவாக செல்ல வழியெங்கும் போக்குவரத்து சீர் செய்யப்பட்டிருந்தது. போனில் போலிஸ்காரர்களிடம் பேசியபடியே வழியில் இருந்த தடங்கல்களையெல்லாம் அகற்றினார் ஏ.சி.
மேட்லி ரோடு, தி.நகர் புதிய மேம்பாலம், லயோலா, சூளைமேடு, அமைந்தகரை, அண்ணா வளைவு வழியாக சுமார் 120 கிலோ மீட்டர் வேகத்தில் மோகன் காரை விரட்டினார். திருப்பங்களில் கூட பிரேக்கில் மோகன் காலை வைக்கவில்லை. ஆக்ஸிலேட்டரில் வைத்த காலை எடுக்கவேயில்லை. பொதுவாக போக்குவரத்தில் இந்த தூரத்தை கடக்க சுமார் 50 நிமிடங்களில் இருந்து ஒன்றரை மணி நேரம் வரை பிடிக்கும். மருத்துவர்கள் கொடுத்திருந்த டார்கெட் 20 நிமிடம். பத்தே நிமிடங்களில் செரியன் மருத்துவமனையை ஏ.சி.யின் கார் அடைந்திருந்தது. ஆறு மணி நேரம் நடந்த இருதய மாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை சக்சஸ்!
இனி ஹிதேந்திரனின் இதயம் வாழும்!!
மருத்துவத்துறை காவல்துறையோடு இணைந்து இந்த சாதனையை செய்திருக்கிறது. சென்னையில் மருத்துவத்துறை சாதனைகள் புரிவது ஒன்றும் அதிசயமல்ல என்றாலும், காவல்துறையின் இந்த அதிரடி சாதனை சென்னை மக்கள் மத்தியில் பரபரப்பாக பேசப்படுகிறது. வாய்ப்புகள் கிடைத்தால் எங்களாலும் சாதிக்க முடியும் என்று சாதித்துக் காட்டிய சென்னை மாநகர போக்குவரத்து காவல்துறைக்கு சல்யூட்.
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