Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Puzzle - 42

There was a clever pet shop owner sold a parrot to a customer who visited his shop by making a statement that "I guarantee you that this colorful parrot can repeat all the words whatever it hears." Finally customer found out the fact that it didn't utter even a single word. Though, what the pet shop owner said was true. So, can you tell why?


Priya said...

The parrot is a deaf one.

Anonymous said...

Man you were right...I've no clue what the answer is!! GgggRrRr... My thinking cap is missing...

Saravanan said...

just tweak your brain a little Exothika, Answer is just out here.

Vytautas said...

Maybe the parrot is deaf, it doesn't hear anything and that's why it doesn't say anything "this colorful parrot can repeat all the words whatever it hears."

Anonymous said...

is the parrot deaf? =)

Priya said...

A bird who never talks:)

Saravanan said...

So, What more can I say? Once Again you all have proved that. Bravo...So, Can increase the difficulty level in the next one?

Anonymous said...

Ok...now I know the answer, my sis told me that the person who bought the parrot would have been deaf!!!

Saravanan said...

oh yeah, not a bad guess ya. One who is deaf mostly cannot speak. and if he speaks then only the bird can hear and speak back. hmmm looks like its possible also. Gud Gud...

Anonymous said...

Thank u...[smileZzZ widely]